... on this Friday.
Usually, on Fridays I like to participate in Aloha Friday. Today, however, I'm going to just use my blog to clear some thoughts. Gloomy ones. So if you'd rather not hear 'em, please stop reading now.
I'm a pretty private person. I'm debating posting this even as I type it. And, I think these types of posts may go against the 'good blog' rules.
I just feel so apprehensive about the future with the state of our economy.
Frankly, it's scary.
For me.
For my parents.
For my children.
Talked to my Mom today. My parents are thinking of moving out of state, (my Dad has a possible job opportunity in Wisconsin) the opposite of where I'd like to move (south).
My best gal pal has already moved. Because of Michigan's economy.
My other best gal is giving it another year here then they are looking to move out-of-state.
We only have weeks (6 or so) before hubby is a certified Police Officer. But, he has commitments here for at least a few years. (I'm thinking--the exact commitments are still up in the air at this point.) My job can relocate to many other states. Actually, almost all of them. I feel so blessed for us to both have careers that are nor directly tied to the automotive industry. Unfortunately, most people that live
here, do- like my parents.
Hope? Where's that? It's not here.
I feel this impending sense of doom- we haven't bottomed out yet in Michigan. The state is looking at a projected 1B+ deficit.
What does that mean for my children, for their future? What does that mean for my future? Hubby's?
Education cuts? Higher state taxes? Higher property taxes on a home I currently pay a mortgage for every month that isn't worth what I owe.
Home values have tanked, no one is buying.
How do I move if I wanted to???It's frustrating trying to decide what's the best path to take for our family.
And, no one knows what to do. We are all trying to find our way.
Honestly, I want to run as far from this state as possible. But-- what's the other states like? I know they face much of the same problems. High unemployment, tanking home values, deficits.
I've been keeping my devotional close. I need words of comfort near me. I don't
mind hard work and cutting back. But when I don't feel any hope. That's a problem.
Know what I mean?
Sorry for the doom and gloom post today. If you read this far- bless your heart.
Maybe by getting it out and sending these thoughts out there (where ever there is) my heart won't feel as heavy as we face decisions.
Today, my thoughts and prayers go out to the
friends and family of loved ones lost on Flight 3407.