I had to have been.
In the right place, right time to snag this up for one dollar.
Yes, one dollar.
This author always makes me laugh, smile and after I'm done with his books, my life is enriched. That's how wonderful his books are, I swear.
And to pick one up for a buck? Right place. Right time.
I told hubby that I grabbed it so fast I didn't even see if there were any others left (for a blog giveaway!). Hindsight's always 20/20 isn't it?
I'm halfway through the book and I LOVE it! Enriched, I tell ya.
Enriched. =)
I'm going back this afternoon to see if I can snag anymore for a giveaway(s). {crossing fingers} I know there are a few of you would truly enjoy this book as much as I am.
Happy Wednesday!
Never Say Never
1 week ago