It's Aloha Friday Yay!!
My Aloha Friday question is:
Have you ever seen a ghost or had a ghostly encounter?
I woke very early one morning, to something white floating above my bed. I pressed my entire body as deep into the mattress as I could, as I just lay there paralyzed (from being scared) watching this thing hover. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, I looked over to hubby, shook him hard, and said, 'Oh my God- Jay, I think it's a ghost!' I looked back over and the white floaty thing was gone. Thank you sweet Jesus.
If hubby had been able to see it, now that would have been seriously spoooooky!
I still question whether or not I just imagined it.
Head on over to An Island Life for more Aloha Friday questions and to play.
Happy Halloween!