Wednesday, May 6, 2009



Frugal Edition. {This week we were asked to share our frugal tips.}

Here's a few of my biggest $$ savers.

* Meal plan, meal plan, meal plan!
Yeah, it's not always the most fun you'll have writing up your menus, but it pays off in so many ways...

1- You don't find yourself staring into the fridge at dinnertime wondering what to cook.
2- You've planned your meals so you know what you need to buy at the grocery store. And, the list helps you stick to your grocery budget so you don't overspend.
3- It helps to keep you out of that cooking rut that many of us can fall into. You know, making the same things over and over and over. When you sit down to plan your menu for the week (or month) get out all those recipes you've always wanted to try and pencil one in here and there. You'll be amazed at the variety of meals you make.

* Let vinegar become your best bud.


I mix 1 part vinegar to 2 parts water. That's it. That's my cleaner. I even use it as a hard wood floor cleaner. Love it.
I also use vinegar to clean for my rinse agent in the dishwasher and I clean the coffee pot by running some vinegar & water through it.

I also have my homemade laundry soap recipe here.

* Join your local Freecycle .
Freecycle is all about re-using and keeping things out of landfills. Look at this little gizmo I picked up Saturday from a freecycler.


Almost-new HP photo printer! It works great, too.

For most frugal folks these tips are old news, but these oldie but goodies work for me.

Visit We are THAT family for more Works-for-me Wednesday ideas, tips and inspiration.

Happy Wednesday!


  1. Ugh! I hate meal planning.. but you are soo right! When I do, I am so thankful that I have. I don't have to run to the store like every day because I have already planned. we have nice yummy dinners, and everyone is happy. Very good tip!

  2. Great tips! I need to get back into the habbit of meal planning, it makes such a difference!

    I will have to mix up some of that cleaning agent...that will save so much money!

  3. Does your house smell like vinegar after you're finished cleaning???


  4. Hi ladies!

    Liz- it does, but not for long. ;D

  5. Thanks for the tips and for stopping by my blog!

  6. You are SO right about the mean planning. I'm always so happy (and proud of myself) when I do it!

    Freecycle--I hadn't heard of that before. Thanks for the tip!!

  7. I don't know anything about freecycle but I'm with you on the vinegar. Been doing that for years now and it's totally the way to go.
